Today you have your choice of many hearing aid types, colors, styles, and assessories.
Reciever in the Canal (RIC) Our most popular hearing aid has the speaker in your ear and the hearing aid behind your ear.  Boo Yah!
Completely in the Canal (CIC)
Tiny custom made hearing aids that fit in your ear canal. Can you dig it?
Invisible in the Canal (IIC)
Even smaller custom made hearing aids that fit in your ear canal. If you want to get real jiggy with it.
No joke, you can choose custom hearing aids made out of titanium. TITANIUM!
10a RIC
10a refers a smaller size battery. A smaller battery allows for a smaller hearing aid. This model is the smallest RIC. Sweet.
Rechargable RIC
You won’t have to change batteries with these RIC’s. Just set them in the charger each night and they’ll last all day. Cool.
This unusual model has been dubbed the only 100% invisible hearing aid that delivers clear, natural sound. The Lyric is a subscription based model! Subscription? Yeah, come in and we’ll explain how that works.
There are other models: full shell, half shell, behind the ear, canal, but you get the idea. Helping you choose the right model is what we Hearing Aid Specialists are all about. Well, that and keeping them running for you year after year. CALL TODAY!
856 15th Ave Longview WA 98632     CALL TODAY! 360-423-3608
Longview, WA
Today you have your choice of many hearing aid types, colors, styles, and assessories. Reciever in the Canal (RIC) Our most popular hearing aid has the speaker in your ear and the hearing aid behind your ear.  Boo Yah! Completely in the Canal (CIC) Tiny custom made hearing aids that fit in your ear canal.  Can you dig it?  Invisible in the Canal (IIC) Even smaller custom made hearing aids that fit in your ear canal.  If you want to get real jiggy with it. Titanium No joke, you can choose custom hearing aids made out of titanium.  TITANIUM! 10a RIC 10a refers a smaller size battery.  A smaller battery allows for  a smaller hearing aid.  This model is the smallest RIC.  Sweet. Rechargable RIC You won’t have to change batteries with these RIC’s. Just set them in the charger each night and they’ll last all day.  Cool. Lyric This unusual model has been dubbed the only 100% invisible hearing aid that delivers clear, natural sound.  The Lyric is a subscription based model!  Subscription?  Yeah, come in and we’ll explain how that works.
There are other models: full shell, half shell, behind the ear, canal, but you get the idea. Helping you choose the right model is what we Hearing Aid Specialists are all about. Well, that and keeping them running for you year after year. CALL TODAY!
856 15th Ave Longview WA 98632     CALL TODAY! 360-423-3608